Festival Hair

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

As we all know festival season is coming up. That means getting your braids, sparkles, and flash tattoos ready. Coachella kicked off festival season with some awesome and fun styles!

This look was Coachella inspired!

How to get this look

  1. I started off with dirty hair, and used a 1.25 inch curling iron to create loose beachy waves.
  2. I sprayed Batiste dry shampoo throughout my roots, and Unite Texturiza spray throughout the mids and ends.
  3. I created two partings going backwards from my hairline about 4 inches apart. Then I started a dutch braid backwards and secured with an elastic.
  4. I then took the ends of the pony tail and created a fishtail braid.
  5. Finally I pulled the sides of the braid and loosened it, wraped it around the elastic and secured with a bobby pin! voila!Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

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