So I did it again… The ‘lilac’ Joico color had faded out of my hair, and I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do. This time I did a color melt of Joico confetti ‘lilac’ into ‘rose’! I’m so in love, it’s awesome! I have never done pink before, only variations of purple tones, but I think I’m hooked!

*side note* I apologize for the quality of the photo, my Sony camera is getting fixed right now so I am left with iphone pictures but you get the idea!!
*update* (I have been informed that the photos are sideways on a cellphone, but on a computer they are upright)
I also decided to throw in a little fishtail braid to show off the colors. My natural color looks so ashy! I love it!

My ends were a little muddy from the previous two rounds of purple I did, so in order to get the brightness of the pink I had to balayage my hair (in my bathroom hah).
Here’s how I did it!:
1: Backcomb and balayage large sections of hair, and saturate with BlondeMe + 20vol and 1/4 oz Amika Virgin
2: Balayage hairline with same formula. Lift to platinum/pale yellow
3: Shampoo, then saturate with Amika Virgin step 2 and let sit for 5 mins. Rinse and condition. Blow dry.
4: Mix Joico confetti ‘lilac’ with a pinch of ‘amethyst purple’, and saturate roots to mids. Occasionally pull a piece of purple all the way down.
5: Cover ends and rest of hair with Joico confetti ‘rose’, making sure to blend the two colors together. Process 15 mins and wash out!
Now this is the first time I tried Virgin, by Amika (like olaplex)… and well, my hair didn’t fall off! I really like it, and it smells like the rest of their products which are to die for. Usually my hair is pretty fried after bleaching but not this time! I had BlondeMe by schwartzkopf on my ends (which are already pretty damaged) and they lifted to platinum and felt fine… I would call that a WIN! (Not a win however, is the sparkles that are LITERALLY EVERYWHERE). Joico confetti colors are filled with sparkles which is cute initially, until you shower the color out, and your entire body is covered in sparkles, your towels, your pillows, the couch, your sweaters… basically anything you come in contact with… *face palm*.
I would definitely do this at work next time and make someone shampoo it out in a sink. A waterfall of sparkles down my body in my shower was a bad call. Literally my little pony over here.
Here’s a client I did the day after at work!! On her we used ‘lilac’ with a pinch of ‘indigo’ and ‘clear’ onto already platinum blonde hair.

I love doing braids with fashion colors, so here I did a pull through braid.

Behind the scenes look !

ALSO! Don’t forget to register for my “Paint by Numbers” balayage and hair color class on January 15th!! Click menu and classes above to register!